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Hello guest,
The Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation was an internet cafe and community hub for technological liberation!
Today is . We are currently .
[A] About
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The Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation (ECPC) was an internet cafe developed in real time by the School for Poetic Computation (SFPC) [] for the Session Program at Recess []. Community members and visitors were invited to participate in a series of workshops and events exploring creative, inclusive, and liberatory uses of networked technology within an abolitionist framework.
Drawing inspiration from the local hubs of the early 2000s where people could access free internet, relax, play games, chat with friends, and print documents, this intimate space alluded to the “golden era” of the internet, where it was possible to find your community online or at your local cafe. ECPC was our reimagined expression of the “multi-media telecollaboration network” first initiated by Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz’s Electronic Cafe ‘84 [], a project that transformed informal community venues into a networked cultural organization.
The internet cafe, as both a virtual and geographical connection point, offers many possibilities for collectively learning and practicing more creative, empowered, and just relationships to technology. By exploring this form, ECPC investigated and transcended the tension between exclusive art and academic spaces and people-first, community spaces, and explored the possibilities in operating a hybrid in-person and online classroom.
More information... [1] Credits & Acknowledgements [2] Contact
Concept: SFPC Co-directors (American Artist, Celine Wong Katzman, Galen Macdonald, Melanie Hoff, Neta Bomani, Todd Anderson, Zainab Aliyu)
Documentation: Neta Bomani and Zainab Aliyu
Graphic Design: Bryant Wells
Hardware Infrastructure & Curation: Melanie Hoff and Todd Anderson
Installation Design: American Artist and Celine Wong Katzman
Program Direction: Neta Bomani
Program Assistant: Tyler Yin
Project Management: Galen Macdonald and Zainab Aliyu
Publication Design: Zainab Aliyu
Public Messaging: Melanie Hoff and Sara Martinez
Website Design: Zainab Aliyu
Website Development: Todd Anderson and Zainab Aliyu
This project is made possible by a grant from Art for Justice Fund (A4J), a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.
More information... [1] Credits & Acknowledgements [2] Contact
Email []
Instagram [@sfpc_nyc]
Twitter [@sfpc]
More information... [1] Credits & Acknowledgements [2] Contact
[C] Calendar
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What's on at ECPC:
Saturday, July 8, 2023 · 1pm EST (Cohort 1) 8pm EST (Cohort 2)
Experiments in Networked Performance Showcase
Participants of SFPC's Experiments in Networked Performance performed during an evening of experimental digital performances designed for a live online audience. The event was streamed to Twitch and featured live web interaction alongside the stream.

Presenting participants included: [1pm Show] Adelle Lin, August Luhrs, Brandon Tong, Brent Bailey, Cece Maravilla, Dan Xu, Eli Muro, Fereshteh Toosi, Halim Lee, Jeeyoon Hyun, Jonathan Thaw, Jules Kris, Justin Roberts, Lauren Wedderburn, Nico Perey, Raphael Koranda, Sara Martinez, Sarah Choukah

[8pm show] Amad Ansari, Asha Abel, Charles de Agustin, Coco Ma, Jaiyn X, Kasra Mikaili, Len Predko, Logan gabrielle Schulman, Luna Doherty-Ryoke, Mad Pinney, Maria Fernanda Alves da Silva, Nina Zhong, Noura Zekry, Paloma Rendon Dawkins, Pattaraporn Kittisapkajon, Solomon Leyba, Souha M.Y., Tansy Xiao

With support from: Sebastian Morales, Yuguang Zhang

Teacher: Tiri Kananuruk, Todd Anderson
Lab Technician: Todd Anderson
Thursdays & Fridays, July 13, 2023 - August 11, 2023 · 12 - 6pm ET
Open Computer Lab
Visit the Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation on Thursdays and Fridays from 12-6pm for weekly Open Computer Lab hours. Bring your own computer or feel free to use any available desktops or laptops—first come, first serve! Lab technicians will be available on site to help troubleshoot computer related issues. Lab hours aren’t only for screen time: Browse the physical library filled with books, zines, and printed ephemera contributed by community members, or bring your own screen free entertainment (board games, puzzles, word searches, etc.) to lounge around in the space with. Come as you are and hang out!

Lab Technician: Zainab Aliyu, Todd Anderson, American Artist, Neta Bomani, Melanie Hoff, Galen Macdonald, Celine Wong Katzman, Tyler Yin
Saturday, July 22, 2023 · 11am - 2pm ET
Seeding your own cloud: Hands-on self-and-community-hosting with Jonathan Dahan
Where does your browser go when visiting a website? What does it talk to? Who owns these computers, and are their interests aligned with yours? In this hands-on workshop, participants set up computers with the ability to host personal home pages, and their own private version of cloud services. We addressed challenges and benefits of short, medium, and long-term hosting infrastructure and how to get started.

Teacher: Jonathan Dahan
Lab Technician: Melanie Hoff
Saturday, July 29, 2023 · 2 - 5pm ET
The Basis of Electronic Music thru Sequencing with Dweller Electronics x JWords
Sequencing is one of the main ways electronic music is composed. Most electronic musical equipment has the ability to sync together through midi to create your own band. Synth, drums, leads, and textures create an electronic song. In this workshop, participants learned how to sequence through a DAW (digital audio workstation) and various musical equipment (drum machines and synths). We explored the possibilities of creativity and the freedom sequencing gives us.

Teacher: JWords
Lab Technician: Zainab Aliyu
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 · 7pm ET Channel Walkthroughs: Internet Cafe Edition
Channel Walkthroughs is an event series hosted by, wherein participants share one of their channels, taking us through their collection of research and patterns of thought, and any new connections that may arise from the assemblage. For the Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation, Olivia McKayla Ross, Mike Tully, Jo Suk, David Isaac Hecht, and Sharon Park stayed on-theme with their surroundings, presenting on topics like early internet history, community memory, digital knowledge sharing, Mavis Beacon, and projects that reach across both the digital and analog.

Lab Technician: Zainab Aliyu
Friday, August 4, 2023 · 7pm ET
Alumni Night
All SFPC alum from all 10 years of SFPC classes and sessions were invited to join us for Alumni Night! There was food and drinks, opportunities to hang and reconnect with friends from past classes, and a small Open Projector (a digital open mic) where alum shared some of what they’ve been up to.

Lab Technician: Todd Anderson
Saturday, August 5, 2023 · 11am - 2pm ET
Hand Coding Round Robin with Emma Rae Bruml Norton
Participants of this workshop learned how to “hand code” for the web through the creation of collective web pages. The workshop started with a brief lecture on the significance of coding slowly and by hand. Participants learned how to do this kind of coding by example and with care. Equal attention was given to HTML elements, CSS styles, and the content on the page. Through adding and styling the content of each other’s web pages participants learned the basic building blocks of making a website as well as what it feels like to code with and for each other.

Teacher: Emma Rae Bruml Norton
Lab Technician: Todd Anderson
Thursday, August 10, 2023 · 7-8:30pm
A Conversation with Kit Galloway
The Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation is inspired by Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz’s Electronic Cafe ‘84, a project that transformed informal community venues into a networked cultural organization. We hosted an artist talk by Kit Galloway, followed by a conversation between the artist and SFPC Co-Director Celine Wong Katzman.

Lab Technician: Neta Bomani
Saturday, August 12, 2023 · 12 - 6pm ET
Community Day
Community Day was the celebration of Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation: an internet cafe and classroom where community members and attendees will have participated in a series of workshops and community events exploring creative, inclusive, and liberatory uses of network technology within an abolitionist framework. Visitors hung out in the cafe, brought their own computers and used available desktop or laptop filled with entertainment and digital art installations; browsed the library filled with books, zines, and printed ephemera; checked out our store filled with merch; and brought their own screen free entertainment (board games, puzzles, word searches, etc.) to lounge around in the space alongside beverages and snacks. This event featured a listening session and workshop with Dweller Electronics, and we closed out the evening with a DJ set with Dweller too. Dweller Electronics (started in 2019) is an electronic music festival platforming black electronic artists and this is the derivative blog, started in 2020, centering black perspectives.

Lab Technician: Zainab Aliyu, Todd Anderson, American Artist, Neta Bomani, Melanie Hoff, Galen Macdonald, Celine Wong Katzman
Saturday, August 12, 2023 · 12:30 - 3:30pm ET
Inspiration/Transition: Black Electronic Music-Making as Self-Possession with Dweller Electronics
In this workshop, we surveyed thoughts and expressions surrounding techno's origins and its intergenerational/cultural ambitions as expressed by those who made and articulated a lot of the genre's ideas within and outside the music (liner notes, artwork, interviews, etc.). With respect to the carceral system, we expanded this conversation into how techno provided marginalized people who were subjected to the historical neglect of mid 20th century Detroit an avenue to express creativity (agency) in a consumerist culture by subverting automation (as shown by the auto industry's dominance in the same city) into self-determination and collective imagination.

Teacher: Ryan C. Clarke
Lab Technician: Neta Bomani
[V] Visit
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Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation was located at Recess (46 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205). We were open to public from Thursday to Satuday, 12 - 6pm ET, from July 8 to August 12, 2023.

Prepare for your visit... [3] Accessibility [4] Covid-19 Safety [5] Available Tech (Hardware & Software) [6] Library [7] Store
All program space at The Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation at Recess (46 Washington Avenue) is fully accessible for wheelchair users. Restrooms are gender neutral and ADA compliant.
Prepare for your visit... [3] Accessibility [4] Covid-19 Safety [5] Available Tech (Hardware & Software) [6] Library [7] Store
The Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation is a mask-on space. All event attendees, workshop participants, teachers and staff are expected to be masked inside the cafe. Please bring a mask. If you don't have one, masks will be provided.
Prepare for your visit... [3] Accessibility [4] Covid-19 Safety [5] Available Tech (Hardware & Software) [6] Library [7] Store
8 computer stations and 4 laptops running Windows 11 are available on a first come, first serve basis. Those who don’t own a laptop will be prioritized first.
There are 2 ready-to-use projectors set up in the space.
Software Art:
Prepare for your visit... [3] Accessibility [4] Covid-19 Safety [5] Available Tech (Hardware & Software) [6] Library [7] Store
A curated selection of books, zines and printed matter are available to read and browse at the Library for Poetic Computation located inside ECPC. Interested in donating something to our collection? Visit the space to drop off, or email us []! Some titles in our collection include:

Prepare for your visit... [3] Accessibility [4] Covid-19 Safety [5] Available Tech (Hardware & Software) [6] Library [7] Store
Visit our space to browse a wealth of objects, art, prints, ephemera, gadgets, merchandise and more, which you can purchase. Proceeds from our store go towards scolarships and running programs. Available store items include:

Prepare for your visit... [3] Accessibility [4] Covid-19 Safety [5] Available Tech (Hardware & Software) [6] Library [7] Store
[G] Guestbook
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Visitors can sign our guestbook from inside our space, and their entries will appear here.
8/12/2023, 4:46:00 PM
michael+: nice set
8/12/2023, 1:34:00 PM
justin: yo yo thanks
8/12/2023, 1:15:00 PM
george aumoithe: This exhibit is rich and some tactile and free-ranging. I am so pleased to be here and appreciative of the institution-building this space represents however ephemeral it may be. We make do in the moments.
8/12/2023, 11:23:00 AM
Gerardo Ismael Madera: Hi :)
8/11/2023, 4:40:00 PM
sarah: ihave big feet
8/11/2023, 4:17:00 PM
mulch and berle: i'm thinking good
8/11/2023, 3:54:00 PM
nir.eth: gm from 2002 :-)
8/11/2023, 3:50:00 PM
Danielle: Hello :-) Today I am applying for the Infinite Video program for Fall 2023. Browsing the video data bank and getting inspiration, feeling excited and hopeful. Also playing some Oregon Trail. The dynamic touch of this keyboard makes me want to continue to type. This Dell is so similar to the first computer I ever used, starting when I was ten years old until I left home for college. Comfort in familiarity.
8/11/2023, 2:41:00 PM
jojo: i miss angelfire
8/11/2023, 1:08:00 PM
Galen: Today I'm thinking about this quote, attributed to Rumi: sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment
8/11/2023, 1:00:00 PM
sam hardman: : )
8/10/2023, 4:23:00 PM
Nara Avakian: I love goose <3
8/10/2023, 4:07:00 PM
8/5/2023, 10:46:00 AM
Kim Bobier: Hello!
8/5/2023, 9:59:00 AM
Rebecca Picanso: Hand coding workshop :-)
8/4/2023, 4:28:00 PM
Jay: This kind of art and community project always soothes my spirit in such a lovely and inspiring way - thank you.
8/4/2023, 4:21:00 PM
yikai: gongi bongi my friends
8/4/2023, 4:19:00 PM
Taylor: I am thinking about games!! I am reading this book of interviews with queer game designers (The queer games avant-garde) by Bonnie Ruberg and am so inspired by the games described (even though I'm not a big game player myself). How can we explore new ideas of success/winning, progress, intimacy, etc. through play?
8/4/2023, 3:49:00 PM
kathleen: it was really great playing oregon trail. many parties of my member died, but Mr Fish prevailed in the end
8/4/2023, 2:57:00 PM
Hachi: heehee
8/4/2023, 1:15:00 PM
Riho: Hello world!
8/3/2023, 4:08:00 PM
Allie L: Today I was thinking through language play ~ words real and virtual ~ what a special place to sit and think and work, thanks for crafting this little world <3
8/3/2023, 2:15:00 PM
Saber: This was really cool. thank you.
8/3/2023, 12:07:00 PM
Annie Fu: Hi! Being in the cafe reminds me of the program Hyperstudio, which was installed on desktops like this Dell when I was in elementary school. I remember we used Hyperstudio one time, and I created a labrynthine, gritty, multi-layer project with all kinds of text and images. Can't remember any specifics now, but I do remember I had so much fun creating in there. That's what this cafe represents to me! Thanks for putting this on.
8/1/2023, 5:49:00 PM
jo: hey! i'm hoping to learn about the other folks in the x sfpc community, and something about communities in general.
8/1/2023, 5:36:00 PM
usbnorm: heyo! today i've been thinking about names. i already have atleast three names, so not that I need more, but a good friend told me that the language we use shapes our world more than ANYTHING else in the world.
7/29/2023, 12:58:00 PM
Olayemi Eso: I'm really excited to learn about electronic music production. I know how the music makes me feel and I hope this workshop is a great start for understanding how to create those sounds and feelings for myself
7/29/2023, 12:53:00 PM
mwic: hi
7/29/2023, 12:53:00 PM
emmanuel: music!
7/29/2023, 12:52:00 PM
Arjun: hello !
7/29/2023, 12:52:00 PM
aine: hello bee-p boo
7/28/2023, 2:56:00 PM
lfesp: <3 bring back the internet cafe
7/28/2023, 2:32:00 PM
Hayden Amaro: Come make art robots with me! PHAC.XYZ
7/28/2023, 2:18:00 PM
sumeet (smt): yoyoyoyo. i played exapunks on here, and it was good. u should play it too
7/28/2023, 2:05:00 PM
v: Im an empty vessel.
7/28/2023, 1:51:00 PM
osebo: i love you
7/27/2023, 4:51:00 PM
neta: what a peaceful place for poetry
7/27/2023, 3:10:00 PM
baruch: Hello world
7/27/2023, 12:50:00 PM
austin kim: programming visions, programming audio fiction
7/22/2023, 11:51:00 AM
fame: hello, the space is awesome!
7/22/2023, 11:44:00 AM
sfpc visitor: i am yearning for love and connection... maybe that is ok
7/21/2023, 4:11:00 PM
fran: hello :) this space is nice :)
7/21/2023, 3:37:00 PM
ali: humid reflection
7/21/2023, 2:37:00 PM
sue cho: Hi there! I am Eun Soo Cho from South Korea! Everyone calls me Sue. Therefore, feel free to call me Sue :3 I was a media artist in my country. And now, I am here for my master degree. I am a student of SVA now! Nice to meet you guys! I am so happy to visit here
7/20/2023, 4:45:00 PM
yehwan: .....
7/20/2023, 3:52:00 PM
Joshua Reinier: Ancient wisdom from the Oracles of old
7/20/2023, 2:53:00 PM
ioan: Hello! Love the concept. Reminds me of skipping school to go to the internet cafe with my friends back in romania
7/20/2023, 2:47:00 PM
Lee Tusman: Hi folx, great to visit the cafe today. I'm computing. Looking forward to checking out all the zines and websites. Ciao.
7/20/2023, 12:58:00 PM
Bryce: Hi! This space is very ☆inspiring☆ The CRT's are a nice touch. Super reminiscent of a high school computer lab :')
7/20/2023, 11:58:00 AM
Tyler: well caffeinated today:)
7/14/2023, 4:22:00 PM
yusufthemenace: Here to dig through
7/14/2023, 3:38:00 PM
Michelle: Hi! Great to be here in the new summer space. H.A.G.S.
7/14/2023, 3:35:00 PM
Lawra Suits Clark: roses are red violets are blue age of empires 2
7/14/2023, 3:34:00 PM
Quinlan Maggio : Hiiiii SFPC!!! Love the setup xoxo
7/14/2023, 11:36:00 AM
Jake ^_^: Hiiiii ^_^
7/13/2023, 1:33:00 PM
corey de'juan sherrard jr: peace! i'm from houston and have been wanting to visit sfpc in person for a year or two. i make art, music, design, and want to program more.
[H] Help
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Running into trouble at ECPC? Send us an email [], and one of our Lab Technicians will respond to you. Our Lab Technicians will also be in the space on Thursdays and Fridays to support visitors.
Lab Technicians:
Zainab Aliyu
Zainab "Zai" Aliyu is a Nigerian-American artist and cultural worker living in Lenapehoking (Brooklyn, NY). Her work contextualizes the cybernetic and temporal entanglement embedded within societal dynamics to understand how all socio-technological systems of control are interconnected, and how we are all materially implicated through time. She draws upon her body as a corporeal archive and site of ancestral memory to craft counter-narratives through sculpture, video, installation, built virtual environments, printed matter, archives, and community-participatory (un)learning. Zai is currently a co-director of the School for Poetic Computation, design director for the African Film Festival at the Film at Lincoln Center in NYC and was recently a fellow at NYU Tisch's Future Imagination Collaboratory. Her work has been shown at Lincoln Center (NYC), Museum of Modern Art Library (NYC), Miller ICA (Pittsburgh), the Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile (Hong Kong), Casa do Povo (São Paulo, Brazil), Aktuelle Architektur der Kulturimages (Murcia, Spain) among others. 

Pronouns: she/her
Email []
Website []
Instagram [@beatsbyzai]
Todd Anderson
Todd Anderson is a digital poet, software artist and educator interested in building machines to deliver creative language, experimental internet performances and computer viruses as an art form. In addition to organizing with SFPC he helps out with Babycastles and The Illuminator projection collective. He is perhaps best known as the host and curator of WordHack, the monthly language+technology talk series every third Thursday at Babycastles (now online).

Pronouns: he/him
Email []
Website []
Instagram [@beatsbyzai]
American Artist
American Artist makes thought experiments that mine the history of technology, race, and knowledge production, beginning with their legal name change in 2013. Their work engages anti-Black state violence, surveillance, and criminalization, such as predictive policing. Artist is a 2022 Creative Capital and United States Artists grantee, and a recipient of the 2021 LACMA Art & Tech Lab Grant. They have exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art; MoMA PS1; Studio Museum in Harlem; Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago; Kunsthalle Basel, CH; and Nam June Paik Center, Seoul. They have had solo museum exhibitions at The Queens Museum, New York and The Museum of African Diaspora, California. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Artforum, and Huffington Post. Artist is a part-time faculty at Parsons, NYU and UCLA and a co-director of the School for Poetic Computation.

Pronouns: they/he
Instagram [@a_____rtist]
Twitter [@hammons_online]
Neta Bomani
Neta Bomani is a learner and educator who is interested in understanding the practice of reading and parsing information as a collaborative process between human and non-human computers. Neta’s work combines social practices, workshops, archives, oral histories, computation, printmaking, zines, and publishing, to create artifacts that engage abolitionist, black feminist, and do-it-yourself philosophies. Neta received a graduate degree in Interactive Telecommunications from the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. Neta has taught at the School for Poetic Computation, the New School, New York University, Princeton University, the University of Texas, and in the after school program at P.S. 15 Magnet School of the Arts in Brooklyn, NY. Neta has studied under American Artist, Fred Moten, Kameelah Janan Rasheed, Mariame Kaba, Ruha Benjamin, Simone Browne, and many others who inform Neta’s work. Neta’s work has appeared at the Queens Museum, the Barnard Zine Library, The Kitchen, and the Met Library. Neta is one of seven co-directors at the School for Poetic Computation, and one of two co-directors at Sojourners for Justice Press, an imprint of Haymarket Books.

Pronouns: any pronouns
Email []
Instagram [@mchapoarchive]
Twitter [@netabomani]
Melanie Hoff
As an artist, educator, and organizer, Melanie studies the role that technology and sex plays in social organization and in reinforcing hegemonic structures. As co-director of the School for Poetic Computation and Hex House, Melanie strives to cultivate spaces of learning and feeling that encourage honesty and permit people to overcome divisions created by systems of gender, racialization, and class. Melanie has a practice of studying large systems of social organization and how these systems are encoded digitally, socially, and legally. They have taught at Yale University, New York University, RISD, the School for Poetic Computation, and have presented their work and creative research in various conferences and universities including the New Museum, the Queens Museum, Tate Exchange, The Internet Archive, Pioneer Works, and elsewhere.

Pronouns: they/them
Instagram [@melanieh0ff]
Galen Macdonald
Galen Howell Macdonald is an artist and arts organizer based in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal whose work combines hand craft, kinetic sculpture, participatory art, and new media. Galen studied Urban Geography at McGill University, design at Goldsmith's, University of London, Fine Woodworking at Yestermorrow Design Build School, and New Media Art and community arts organizing at InterAccess Media Art Centre in Toronto and at School for Poetic Computation in New York City. His work has been shown at School for Poetic Computation (NYC), Magic, the Gallery (Austin, TX), Long Exposure Festival (Toronto), Roundtable Residency (Toronto), and Whippersnapper Gallery (Toronto).

Pronouns: he/him
Instagram [@ghmac10]
Celine Wong Katzman
Celine Wong Katzman is Curator at Rhizome and serves as one of seven co-directors at the School for Poetic Computation. Previously she was a NYSCA Curatorial Fellow at the Queens Museum. Celine is committed to supporting creative practitioners experimenting with new media, particularly those who engage in a thoughtful and community-oriented approach. Her writing appears in publications such as The Nation, Art in America, Rhizome, as well as in the New Museum's exhibition catalog, The Art Happens Here: Net Art's Archival Poetics and Paper Monument's Best! Letters from Asian Americans in the arts. She holds a B.A. in Visual Art with honors from Brown University.

Pronouns: she/her
Instagram [@rojakgirl]
Twitter [@celinejade]
Tyler Yin
Tyler Yin is an artist and technologist currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. His work layers themes of perception, obfuscation, and labor into various forms—including zines, processed imagery, and interactive media. He is also a cofounder and organizer for Tiny Tech Zines, a QTPOC-led tech zine fair & collective centering the ways marginalized communities relate to technology. Tyler holds a BA in Design | Media Arts from UCLA, and has taught in the Parsons Design and Technology program at The New School. His work has appeared at the Brooklyn Art Book Fair, Moving Zine Fair, L.A. Zine Fest, and CultureHub NYC.

Pronouns: he/they
Instagram [@tylr.yn]
Twitter [@tylryn]
[P] Print
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This website was designed and built by Zainab Aliyu [] with content management support from Todd Anderson []. This website can be printed as a publication, which was also designed by Zainab Aliyu. It uses the typeface Screenfont_8_Sans designed by Carlo Krüger [] and the ECPC logo designed by Bryant Wells [].
Located @Recess
46 Washington Ave,
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Open Thursdays to Saturdays,
12 - 6pm,
Jul 8 - Aug 12, 2023
Electronic Cafe for Poetic Computation [] is a project by
the School for Poetic Computation [].