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Advice Column

What has been your experience of sex education?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, What has been your experience of sex education? — Editors Read responses...

What is your relationship to sex these days?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, What is your relationship to sex these days? What are some of the different ways or frames you can think of to start to answer this question? — Framing Sex

How have you learned to prioritize your/your partners pleasure in sex?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, How have you learned to prioritize your/your partners pleasure in sex? Is there a place along the journey you are moving towards? Physically, emotionally, psychologically? — Pleasure Journey

Who in your life has taught you the most about sex? What is the nature of that relationship?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, Who in your life has taught you the most about sex? What is the nature of that relationship? — Most Impactful Teacher

How do you personally distinguish between romantic, sexual, and platonic attraction, if at all?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, How do you personally distinguish between romantic, sexual, and platonic attraction, if at all? — What’s the difference?

How can I have better cybersex?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, How can I have better cybersex? — Cybersexy

How can I better support sex workers?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, How can I better support sex workers? — Supporting Sex Read responses...

What is your relationship with sex and spirituality; do they intersect?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, What is your relationship with sex and spirituality; do they intersect? — Sex & Spirituality

What standards of sexuality do you find yourself comparing yourself against? Do you find them to be helpful, harmful, or somewhere in between?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, What standards of sexuality do you find yourself comparing yourself against? Do you find them to be helpful, harmful, or somewhere in between? — Standards

How do you determine if a partner is not sexually compatible with you or if said partner just needs time to grow and learn to adapt to your needs?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, How do you determine if a partner is not sexually compatible with you or if said partner just needs time to grow and learn to adapt to your needs? — Potential Compatibility

How might erotic fantasy offer respite from our everyday lives, and have revolutionary potential?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, How might erotic fantasy offer respite from our everyday lives, and have revolutionary potential? — sex4theRevolution

What are some ways I can check in with myself and my partner about how reciprocally aroused we are?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, What are some ways I can check in with myself and my partner about how reciprocally aroused we are? — Reciprocally Aroused

✼ Note from the Editors: The original question has been edited for grammatical clarity.

What are some ways to make a solo sexual experience just as fulfilling as one with a partner?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, What are some ways to make a solo sexual experience just as fulfilling as one with a partner? — s0l0 Traveler

How do others navigate discussing boundaries with sexual partners when it comes to exploring each others fantasies?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, How do others navigate discussing boundaries with sexual partners when it comes to exploring each others fantasies? I enjoy helping my partner feel sexually empowered and trying to fulfill the type of sexual play they have always wanted, but sometimes I have a difficult time navigating the boundaries of when I am also into whats going on verses I am having a neutral/fun time but it does not turn me on/I am only doing whatever I am doing for their pleasure. How do others have healthy, mutually respectful, and trauma informed conversations about what types of sex they are are willing to have verses excited to have? — Desiring Pleasure Boundaries

Are there any writings by trans people about having sex with trans people–about how to be conscious and respectful of another's body?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, Are there any writings by trans people about having sex with trans people–about how to be conscious and respectful of another's body? — t4t Bookworm

✼ Note from the Editors: The original question has been edited for grammatical clarity.

How might you establish an "abundance mindset" when it comes to intimacy?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, What does intimacy mean to you? What does small or large intimacy mean to you? How might you foster (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, sexual) intimacy everyday? How might you foster this intimacy with yourself and with others? How might you establish an "abundance mindset" when it comes to intimacy? — Abundantly Intimate

Are others puzzled by the incoherence in their wants and desires?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, I would love to understand better the irrationality of sexual preferences. Are others puzzled by the incoherence in their wants and desires? In almost any other part of my life I can use reason to help me to pick what I want, but when it comes to sex it makes no sense! How do others deal with this? — Puzzling Preferences

For those with sensitive chest areas, what kind of breast play do you enjoy (with yourself and others)?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, For those with sensitive chest areas, what kind of breast play do you enjoy (with yourself and others)? — Milky

Was there a moment as a child where you began to understand what sex was?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, Was there a moment as a child where you began to understand what sex was? How did that impact you in the long and short term? — Childhood Influence

✼ Note from the Editors: The original question has been edited for grammatical clarity.

If the people you want to build a life with are not the people you feel crushes and lust for, how do you navigate finding a partner?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, If the people you want to build a life with are not the people you feel crushes and lust for, how do you navigate finding a partner? — ISO Another Way

How do you say no?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, How do you say no? I want to hear all the different ways. And why you decided to say no. And if you've ever regretted it. — One word, two letters

What does a safer learning environment for learning about sex look like for you?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, What does a safer learning environment for learning about sex look like for you? — Editors Read responses...

Why are you interested in studying at SFPC Sex Ed? Why now?

Dear SFPC: Sex Ed, Why are you interested in studying at SFPC Sex Ed? Why now? — Editors Read responses...