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Todd Anderson, Tyler Yin, Kayla Drzewicki
Section 1: January 22, 2024 to March 25, 2024
Section 2: January 25, 2024 to March 28, 2024

(10 classes)
Section 1: Mondays, 1pm-4pm Section 2: Thursdays, 10am-1pm
Online (Zoom)
$1200 Scholarships available learn more...
Applications closed on November 22, 2023

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A website is a poem that is already in everyone's pocket, a house built from photos of other houses, a book where every chapter is another book where every chapter is another book. In this class we will be studying the poetics of the web: the raw material of HTML, the systemic visuals of CSS, the endless interactive possibilities of Javascript and the browsers, servers, protocols, and infrastructure that holds it all together. Each week we will make websites. We will make small websites that only convey a single, tiny idea. We will make large websites whose clutter and convoluted interlocking pages feel like exploring an abandoned mansion. We will make websites that speak, websites with secrets, and websites that tell one perfectly executed joke. And as we build the web we will also learn its history from the early geocities days to the ways we tried to be fully present over the pandemic, and all the wonderful and useless websites artists have made in between.


Course of Study

Topics we will cover:
  • HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • Web Browsers and Network Infrastrucure
  • Net Art and Useless Websites
  • Text Generators
  • Websockets
  • P5.js
  • Hypertext
  • Creative Writing for the Internet
  • Alternate Reality Games
Websites we will make:
  • Website that moves
  • Website that is way too big
  • Website with secrets
  • Website for a fictional person or business
  • Website that is different every time
  • Website that remembers you
  • Website for listening to a song
  • Website for being together with someone else


Time & Workload
  • Participants will be expected to spend time outside of class making websites each week. This can be as little as 30 minutes or as long as long as four hours depending on the scope of the task you set for yourself. It will always be fine to take a week off.
  • Participants will be expected to submit a website to a class anthology at the end of the course.
Technical Experience
  • No past coding experience is expected for this class.
  • A computer with a web browser and internet access
Learning Outcomes

By taking this class you can expect:

  • To learn how to code websites from scratch using HTML, CSS and Javascript, though not at a professional level.
  • To learn some of the history of creative websites and web technology
  • To have the tools to build your own spaces on the internet

Is this class for me?

This class may be for you if:

  • You want to spend more time on websites not affiliated with massive corporations
  • You're a fan of StumbleUpon or The Useless Web
  • You want to share your writing, images or music through a more expressive medium than a social media post
  • You feel like the internet isn't fun anymore, and you want to help

This class may NOT be for you if:

  • You want to learn professional web development tools like React, Next and Typescript
  • You just want to make a portfolio website or a website for your business

Meet the Teachers


Todd Anderson

Todd Anderson is a digital poet, software artist and educator based in New York City. He has been making experimental software art for over 10 years including the live interactive poetry project Hotwriting, the Chrome Extension ARG 'An Experience', the performance-inside-the-browser extension HitchHiker, and multiple plays and performances with the multidisciplinary group H0t Club. He is perhaps best known as the host and curator of WordHack, the monthly language+technology talk series in NYC running every third Thursday since 2014.

he/him · website · twitter · instagram


Tyler Yin

Tyler Yin is an artist and technologist currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. His work layers themes of perception, obfuscation, and labor into various forms—including websites, zines, and interactive media. He is also a cofounder and organizer for Tiny Tech Zines, a QTPOC-led tech zine fair & collective centering the ways marginalized communities relate to technology. Tyler holds a BA in Design | Media Arts from UCLA, and has taught in the Parsons Design and Technology program at The New School. His work has appeared at the NY Art Book Fair, LA Art Book Fair, East Village Zine Fair, Brooklyn Art Book Fair, Moving Zine Fair, L.A. Zine Fest, and CultureHub NYC.

he/they · website · twitter · instagram


Kayla Drzewicki

Kayla is an artist and educator based in Queens, New York. She makes websites, screensavers, and stages performances within the desktop environment. Previously, she was a programmer and designer for QuaranTV, a 24/7 public access livestream, and has taught computer classes at the Enoch Pratt Free Library and with Code in the Schools in Baltimore, Maryland. She holds a BFA in sculpture from MICA. Currently, she is program assistant at Rhizome. You can find her online at

she/her · website · instagram

How do I apply?

Apply Now

Applications open until Applications closed on November 22, 2023.

You can expect to hear back from us about the status of your application on December 11, 2023. Please email us at with any questions you have.

How much does it cost to attend?

For 10 classes, it costs $1200 + processing fees, for a one-time payment. We also offer payment plans. Participants can schedule weekly or monthly payments of the same amount. First and last payments must be made before the start and end of class. *Processing fees apply for each payment.

SFPC processes all payments via Withfriends and Stripe. Please email if these payment options don't work for you.

Applicant FAQ

For more information about what we look for in applicants, scholarships, and other frequently asked questions, please visit our applicant FAQ.

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